Useful Advice On Research Paper Index Cards
However, it may be difficult to start right away. Fortunately for you, these simple steps will help you get started when it comes to writing your own index cards of information regarding your research paper sooner rather than later.
Knowing these tips will be able to keep you updated on the progress of your study and will not give you confusion as to the level of information that you want to know for the study.
Significant Steps
When preparing your own index cards, you have to have a header, and the specific name of the source that you have gotten information from. Then below the header or title of the card, you can put the most pertinent information about the topic that you have chosen.
In this way, you will be able to remember the important pieces of data that you have collected about this area of the study.
In addition to this, you should not mistake the index for a bibliography. You just have to cite the specific sources and publishing dates related to what you actually wrote on the card. Think of it as a cue card that will remind you of the information that you need to know at a short notice.
By creating these cards, you will be able to get information right away without actually reading through all of your material. In short, indexing will definitely make your life better in terms of the organization and forming unity within the document.
Make sure that you will be able to organize your cards by using keywords as well. These keywords should directly point to certain important topics within the body of the report. This way, you will easily be able to refer to any part of the document when necessary during the course of the defense.
Indexing is a way for you to easily retrieve information from any particular point in the study without having to take too much time looking for it within the research paper index page. This is why you have to really be careful about writing this particular part of the report. Otherwise, you will end up rendering the index unusable.